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English Drunken rivalry gone too far!

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“What should I wear?” came the shout from the bedroom where Sanya was getting ready. She was asking the question to her husband Ajay who was immersed in watching a cricket match on the TV. Ajay was looking forward to enjoying the match with a cold beer. The weekend was the only time he got to unwind.

Ajay had a hectic job that involved constant traveling. He would be out on business trips for weeks together, so this was one of the few weekends when he was not traveling and was looking forward to some relaxation. Sanya had mentioned that they were invited to a get-together with her college friends and spouses who were living in the same city. Ajay did not want to go and had flat-out refused. After a lot of back and forth, he agreed to drop her to the pub as getting Uber during the weekend was tough.

Ajay and Sanya had a typical arranged marriage. They got married 3 years back at a destination wedding and settled in Mumbai. Both of them worked for MNCs and earned respectably. Sanya came from a conservative family and had a few boyfriends before marriage. She never had sex with them but did fool around. Sanya was always curious about sex but never dared to cross the imaginary line due to fear of family.

Ajay had a similar upbringing and valued career over any other thought. He always believed in building a solid professional profile and thought other things would follow. He looked at sex like any other necessary activity and did not attach any more importance to it. Their sex life was ordinary, usual missionary position during the weekend when Ajay was around.

They did like to experiment every once in a while, especially when Sanya was tipsy with few drinks, but she never dared to openly express much. Sanya was comfortable discussing such topics with her college friends who were pretty much open to such topics. This was also one more reason she was looking forward to meeting them

Sanya got dressed up in an all black dress which ended up just before her knees and showed minimal cleavage. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall and was a bit plump but in the right places. Upon seeing her, Ajay commented on how hot she looked. He was not concerned as the group of friends were mostly girls and their husbands who would dare not hit on her in the presence of their wives.

Ajay quickly grabbed hold of his car keys and led Sanya out to the pub. The drive to the pub was short even with the growing traffic. Ajay planned to return home before the start of the second innings. The plan was to drop his wife at the pub and pick her up after the end of the match. Just before he was about to drop Sanya to the pub, Ajay got a call from his boss who informed him that he urgently needed to travel to Delhi for a couple of days for a client presentation. This spoiled Ajay’s mood as he had to cancel the plans he had made for himself. He informed Sanya about the urgent travel. She was a bit disappointed but consoled herself as she was about to meet her college friends.

Ajay dropped her off at the pub and quickly rushed back home to catch the next available flight. Sanya entered the pub which was filled up by now. She had little trouble spotting her group as they were the loudest. She went and hugged her best friends Veena and Arushi. They were accompanied by their husbands who enquired about Ajay. Sanya had to tell them that he wouldn’t be coming as he had a flight to catch.

The group quickly got back to the table and started on the drinks. Sanya did not realize how time flew by. Maybe it was the drinks or the company, but she was having fun. She did notice Veena and Arushi giggling amongst each other without including her in the chat. She noticed it more than a couple of times but did not question them further.

After a few hours, Arushi confessed to Sanya that she had invited one more person. As Arushi was confessing this, Sanya could spot a faint person’s image behind Arushi. There was a peculiar familiarity to this person. As he approached the table, Sanya could not believe it. It was Varun, her ex-boyfriend!

Varun was in the same college as Sanya, Arushi, and Veena. In fact among the three boyfriends Sanya had, Varun was the only one who had initiated the break-off with her. Varun and Sanya were close and serious about their relationship at the time. Varun was always eager to get physical and was frustrated with Sanya’s lack of courage when it came to sex. This was the major reason for their break-up. After the breakup and graduation, Sanya never kept in touch but knew that he was working for a law firm in Pune which was a 4-hour drive from Mumbai.

Back to the present day where upon seeing Varun, Sanya got disoriented. In fact, it required a hard hit on her hand from Arushi to snap back to reality.

Sanya could feel her throat dry even to utter a simple hello. Varun smiled and said, “Oh! Come on, don’t be so shocked. I am just here for work and came to say hello. Arushi mentioned you guys are hanging out in this pub, so thought of dropping by.”

Sanya looked at Arushi with an irritated look but did not say anything. She told her ex-boyfriend Varun it was fine and the group started talking.

Sanya noticed that Varun looked nice. Seemed he was taking care of himself, hitting the gym, and was wearing what looked like expensive clothes. There was an air of confidence around him. She started comparing him to Ajay who usually did not pay much attention to how she dressed.

“Stop comparing”, Sanya had to remind herself. Sanya started drinking more now that Varun had joined. She had to make sure whatever feeling she might have had for him did not surface back after all these years. She lost count of how many drinks she had. It did not help when Varun mentioned how quickly Sanya used to get tipsy. Now, she had a point to prove.

She ordered shots for the table to prove a point to Varun. As they were gulping shots and shots, Sanya noticed that Varun had left the table and was talking with someone in the pub. It was hard not to notice this person. More than 6 feet, well built, and wearing a suit. He had a charming smile about him. Varun clearly was trying to impress this man.

Sanya had to make sure she was not staring as the two of them made their way to the group’s table. Varun introduced his boss Shekar to everyone. He had a firm handshake and clearly had an alpha personality. He shook Sanya’s hand and commented on how lovely she looked in the black dress. Sanya clearly was taken aback nicely. It was quite some time since anyone had complimented her looks.

Shekar spoke with the entire group but was giving special attention to Sanya. Maybe it was easy as Sanya’s husband was not around, but she didn’t care. Clearly, there was something special about him. She had completely forgotten about her ex-boyfriend Varun and their awkward history. Shekar ordered an expensive wine for the table and was in command of the party.

The party was in full swing and Sanya had completely forgotten about Ajay. She checked her phone to see a couple of messages from Ajay informing her that he had taken the flight and had landed. She messaged him back that the party was fun but did not mention anything about Varun or Shekar. “Why bother him unnecessarily?” thought Sanya.

It was 1 am. By the time Veena and her husband announced that they were tired and heading back home, behind them, Arushi and her husband also were leaving. Arushi offered to drop Sanya back to her home. Sanya hesitated, she clearly did not want to leave Shekar and his company. It had been a long time since someone had taken an interest in what Sanya had to say, about her life, job, and frustrations. Sanya told Arushi that she would take the Uber back.

“This is Mumbai, I’ll be safe”, thought Sanya.

Once they left, it was just the three of them – Sanya, her ex Varun, and his boss Shekar. Sanya was not talking much to Varun. Her entire world seemed around Shekar. She was super drunk and did not care much. She saw a message from Arushi on her phone, enquiring if she had reached home safely. To this, she lied and said yes, she reached home. She wanted to spend some more time with Shekar.

Finally, the manager walked up to the table at 2:30 am informing the group about the pub closing. Reluctantly, Sanya had to say her goodbyes and ordered an Uber on her phone. In her drunken state, she hugged Shekar to say goodbye. Even with the suit, she could make out the muscles underneath and how fit he was. The hug was a second too long before she let go. She made a formal handshake with Varun and left in the car.

The drive back in the car was supposed to be short. With no traffic on the road, she was supposed to reach in 20 minutes. She rolled down the window and was enjoying the cool wind against her face. She let her mind jog back to the memory of the hug with Shekar.

“How will he look without clothes?” she did not mind to fantasize. She wanted to reach back home quickly as she was planning to take a hot shower. “Maybe play around and have a rub. Maybe”, she thought.

Clearly, the alcohol was taking control. She was woken up by this thought by a loud noise. The noise came from the car and she could see smoke coming from the engine side. The driver informed her that there was some problem with the engine and he couldn’t repair it till the morning.

Sanya reluctantly got down and noticed they were in a secluded patch. She saw no one around and to make matters worse, her phone had no connectivity. Suddenly, she felt scared, so she glanced at the driver. He seemed to be paying no attention to her and was trying to fix the car. Sanya asked the driver to see if his phone had a network but no such luck.

The walk back home would have taken 15 minutes, but she was not confident of walking alone in the dark. With no hope, she was now desperate for an answer. Suddenly, she spotted the light of an oncoming car. Her instinct told her to sign them to stop but she hesitated.

“What if they are not good people and might take advantage of me?”, she thought. She decided to stand in the shadows and not make any movement. The car approached them and seemed to move away without slowing down. Just as Sanya was about to feel relieved, the car made a sudden stop and reversed back to the spot where she was standing. The car came to a halt near her.

Sanya’s heart was now racing fast, she sensed trouble. The windows rolled down and she saw a familiar face. It was Shekar who was driving the car with Varun in the passenger seat. She almost wanted to jump with joy but contained herself.

“Is this the after-party?” joked Shekar. Sanya explained the situation and instantly Shekar offered her a ride back. She did not hesitate and sat in the back of the car. Right on entering, she noticed it was a luxurious car. There was so much space at the back with leather seats and a nice smell. She did not know much about the cars, but from the sign on the steering wheel, she could make out that it was a BMW.

Shekar enquired about her address and seemed to drive fast. He was constantly chatting with her which again made her feel special. She completely had forgotten about Varun who was also in the car. She wished Shekar wouldn’t drive so fast and now they would reach back home in double quick time. They reached the apartment and Sanya thanked Shekar for the drop.

As she was about to leave, Shekar asked, “Look, I don’t want to bother you, but is there a way I can use your bathroom? We had quite a few drinks and our hotel is a bit far”.

Sanya hesitated but she could not say no to Shekar. The thing she hated was she would have to invite Varun also to her home.

They made their way up to the flat. She opened her flat and then realized that Ajay was not there. She had completely forgotten that he was in another city. By the time she could say or react, Shekar had rushed inside to the bathroom. Sanya had no option now but to wait for Shekar to finish. She exchanged awkward glances with Varun who was busy looking at the house.

In a few minutes, Shekar came back and thanked Sanya for allowing them to come at this odd hour. Now, it was Varun’s turn to use the bathroom, who went in informing her he would be back soon.

Sanya felt much more comfortable in Shekar’s company. Shekar again started taking an interest in conversation, asking about her interests and the house. Sanya felt obliged to take Shekar on a house tour. She was excited to show the interior work done by her around the house and the artwork they had invested in.

Shekar on his part was also asking a lot of questions and taking interest. She took him to the guest bedroom, the living room, and the kitchen. The last one was the master bedroom, the area where most of the interior work was done. For some reason, she felt she had known Shekar for a long and did not hesitate to take him around the house.

She explained in detail the work done in the master bedroom and the significance of each painting in the house. She sensed Shekar was not saying much. Then she asked what was wrong. Without any warning, Shekar came close and planted a kiss on her lips!

A jolt of electricity ran through her body. The touch of Shekar made her dizzy and she was about to lose her balance. Shekar caught hold of her and made her lock in an embrace. He started kissing her now with more passion while his hands were exploring her body over her dress. The kiss started getting more sloppy and wet. His right hand was roaming freely exploring over her breast and her ass. Sanya was lost in the new world of passion. Her mind was asking to stop, but her body betrayed her. With a lot of strength, she stepped back from Shekar’s grip. “Stop! This is wrong. We should not be doing it”.

Shekar did not object, merely smiled and started to go back.

“Wait!” said Sanya instinctively. This was not her mind but now body speaking! She regretted the moment those words came out. Shekar said, “OK, what do you want me to do?”

Sanya did not say anything. It was too shameful for her. She bit her lips and stared at the floor. Sensing the predicament, Shekar closed the door from inside and locked it. He approached her slowly like a lion inspecting the prey. He knew he had Sanya under his control.

“Take off your dress”, said Shekar with now a commanding presence. Sanya knew she had lost control of the situation, so she did as instructed. Under her dress, she was wearing a black lingerie. Shekar moved in behind her while removing his jacket. She could feel his breath around her neck. She glanced at the mirror in the room to check what he was doing. In the mirror, she could see Shekar completely dwarf her. Without the jacket, he seemed bigger and more muscular. He cupped her breast from behind and started kissing her neck. Sanya closed her eyes and now was completely spellbound.

Shekar moved his hand from the breast to her midriff. Shekar could feel the soft skin which made him hornier. Then he moved his hands to her panty and in a split second tore it off. Sanya was surprised by the animalistic behavior but did not mind. Shekar spun her towards the bed and made her lay down.

On the bed laying down, Sanya could see Shekar take off his shirt, pants, and boxer. Sanya finally saw underneath his clothes. He was not just fit but ripped. Her eyes started to explore his crotch area. She saw he was fully erect now with veins visible on his dick. Shekar moved towards her, Sanya closed her eyes expecting him to penetrate her.

Shekar knelt near the bed and started kissing her legs and thighs. He slowly made his way up her body. This anticipation was making Sanya mad.

Finally, he reached her pussy. He started off slowly by teasing and small kisses on her pussy lips. With his tongue he started to tease her clit, making small circular motions. His one hand was rubbing the clit while the other was pinching her nipples. Sanya had never felt anything like this. Ajay rarely went down and even if he did, he did it like a chore. Shekar clearly knew how to please, slowly building up the rhythm. Sanya could feel a growing heat build up in her body.

Shekar sensing this started to increase the pressure and his movements were now faster. Sanya could not control the orgasms’ and climaxed as her body twitched and shook violently. She was completely covered in sweat.

Shekar joined her on the bed, now laying down next to her. He caressed her body and started gently kissing her. He moved on top of her while kissing and she could feel his firmness between her legs. She moved her hand to hold his penis in her hands. He felt bigger and thicker than Ajay, the thick veins making it feel more monstrous.

Without a warning, Shekar pushed the dick inside her. Thankfully, she was extremely wet due to the orgasms else it would have been painful. Shekar drove the dick completely inside her. This was not gentle lovemaking but a lustful fuck. His hips drove powerfully with each thrust making a ‘thud’ sound as two bodies collided.

Sanya was not used to such a powerful takeover of her body. Shekar bit her shoulder which made Sanya squeal in pain. The unique mix of pain and pleasure sent Sanya into dreamland. Shekar continued to plow her like there was no tomorrow.

He continued to fuck her with the same passion. Sanya could feel a second orgasm building up. She rarely climaxed but now she was about to climax twice. Sanya’s squeal was now matched by Shekar’s groan. The bodies were intertwined together moving in the same tune.

Sanya was the first to climax followed by Shekar. She could feel his dick pulsing and could sense the hot fluid being released in her pussy. The climax lasted a long time and both were spent. They were on the bed in the embraced position for some time.

Finally, Shekar rose up and stood near the bed. He motioned Sanya towards his dick, indicating that she had to clean him off. In front of Shekar’s ‘alphaness’, she had no answer. She obediently started to suck him and clean him off.

Once satisfied, Shekar moved and started to get dressed. He did not speak with her. He quickly put on his suit and went outside the bedroom. Once the door was shut, Sanya collapsed on the bed. There were too many thoughts for her to process, making her brain go haywire

Outside the room, Shekar met Varun. They both looked at each other and started smiling.

“Part 1 of the plan is complete, now over to you”, said Shekar. With that, Varun approached the master bedroom and entered it.

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