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English Adultery A Resort Trip (All Parts)

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Part 1​

A wave of apprehension gnawed at Kavya. She had left her one-and-a-half-year-old son, Nirav, at her mother’s house and hailed a ride share. This was the first time she had entrusted his care to someone else. The thought of being away from him for four days made her heartache.

She worried about how much he might cry for her, even though her mother was close to him. Priya’s words echoed in her mind, “Do it for yourself, Kavya. You also need to take a break from your motherly duties.” Priya was right.

Ever since she got pregnant, Kavya’s life had revolved entirely around her baby, leaving no time for herself. Her husband of six years, Harshit, had refused to drop her at the train station, citing an important meeting. She knew, as a senior manager, he could have easily rescheduled it.

But his displeasure at her leaving was clear. Kavya was determined to attend her colleague’s wedding. She needed a break from everything, including Harshit’s house. As she reached the train station, she found Suhail already waiting. He was a fresh graduate, just 22, and looked like a teenager.

Next came Priya with her husband, Matthew. Kavya envied Priya’s chic style and the freedom her husband allowed her. Priya and Matthew had met on Tinder and married. They shared Instagram stories filled with their adventures and Priya’s fashionable outfits.

Even now, Priya wore stylish cotton pyjamas perfect for the train journey. Her luggage bag was twice the size of Kavya’s. Noticing Kavya’s unease, Priya reassured her that everything would be fine. Soon, Ravish joined them. At 28, the same age as Priya, he was their team leader.

Slightly overweight but always supportive. He was the mother hen of the team, never micromanaging them. The train was about to leave, but their last co-passenger hadn’t arrived yet, and he wasn’t answering his phone. The group grew tense, unsure whether to board the train or wait.

Suddenly, they saw a figure sprinting towards them. It was Manikandan, or Mani for short. Like Suhail, he was a fresher. But at 25, he had taken a different path, studying for a diploma and working various jobs before venturing into IT. The team breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Mani was the heartbeat of their team, always bringing fun and energy to the office. His carefree attitude had delayed his graduation. But he remained unapologetically himself. Mani immediately hugged Matthew, chatting like old friends.

Kavya noticed how comfortable Priya’s husband was with her travelling with three men. When Kavya had considered cancelling, it was Priya who had insisted that she come along. Soon, they boarded the train and settled into their seats.

They pulled out a deck of Uno cards and started playing. It quickly led to lots of arguments and laughter. Kavya felt a rush of excitement and nostalgia. It had been over a decade since she travelled by train, as her family usually opted for flights and cars.

Their destination was a small village far from any airport or major station. The closest point was a nature reserve that had recently gained popularity on Instagram. Unable to book direct tickets, they had to leave much earlier than the wedding date.

“Kavya, the train has started, but your mind is still at home,” laughed Priya, noticing her lost expression.

“I don’t know, but I’m getting a bad feeling,” replied Kavya. “Leaving Harshit and Nirav for the first time.”

“It’s okay, Kavya,” said Ravish. “You deserve this break. Don’t worry, they will be fine.”

“It’s just that he doesn’t know I’m going to the resort,” Kavya said quietly. “He thinks we’ll be gone for four days just for the wedding.”

“Why didn’t you tell him?” exclaimed Suhail.

“Well, when I mentioned the wedding, the only thing he asked was what about Nirav,” Kavya explained. “And when I said my mom would take care of him, he got upset that I discussed it with her before him.”

“But still, you should have informed him about the resort,” said Ravish.

Kavya looked at Priya, hoping for a different answer. Priya shrugged, “Well, it was Matthew’s idea to book a resort instead of spending all three days in the village.”

“What should I do?” Kavya asked. “Should I call him and tell him now?”

“Well, technically, you did not mislead him or lie to him. You are going away for the wedding. If he can’t really hold the conversation, you can’t discuss the details with him. I’d say hold it over him instead should the need ever arise,” interjected Mani, who had been quiet until then.

“Well, that is an idea!” added Priya. “I agree sharing this now makes no sense. There will be an argument. You will spoil your mood.”

“What if he finds out?” wondered Kavya out aloud.

“Don’t worry, we won’t post any pictures on Instagram or WhatsApp that have your face in them,” said Priya. “That way, he won’t know anything.”

Kavya bit her lip. It wasn’t a simple thing. Harshit wasn’t the patriarchal type. She remembered how he allowed her to wear sexy dresses and go to clubs with her girlfriends during the early days of their marriage. Even her conservative parents didn’t allow it. He was as open-minded as Matthew.

Also, Harshit often joked that Instagram was like Twitter for people who couldn’t read. He didn’t follow any of her friends, so she felt safe. “Okay, Kavya, I want you to get up and put your hands on your heart to take a pledge,” said Priya. Kavya complied.

Priya started, “Repeat after me: In the next four days, I won’t think about Nirav or Harshit. The only person that will matter is me, and I’ll enjoy it like I’m fresh out of college.”

“Should I?” asked Kavya nervously.

“Of course, you should,” said Mani. “Otherwise, you might as well get off at the next station. What’s the use of going on vacation if you can’t relax and enjoy yourself?”

“I guess it’s too late now,” smiled Kavya.

As she closed her eyes, she felt an energy rush through her body. The word vacation seemed like a luxury. She promised herself that for the next few days, nothing else would matter, and she would enjoy every moment. The dinner trolley came, and everyone was busy eating.

But Kavya was still pondering the fact that she hadn’t informed Harshit. After dinner, she excused herself to the toilet and checked her phone. There were no notifications. She opened WhatsApp and saw that her message “Boarded train. See you” to Harshit had a blue tick. He had read it but hadn’t replied.

She wanted to call her mom, but it was already 10:05, and this was the time Nirav would be too cranky to sleep. Sleeping without his mom for the first time, hearing her voice might only agitate him. Dejected, Kavya went to the door of the railway car.

The cold air hit her face, but there was something about it that made her smile. She decided to stand there until the next station, letting the air clear her mind. While she was lost in her thoughts, she felt a camera flash. She turned to find Mani standing with his phone, grinning at her.

He looked at the screen, and his jaw dropped. “Wow,” he said, looking surprised. Kavya was stunned by his reaction, thinking maybe her picture looked bad. She stood there for some time in silence while Mani admired the photo. Then he showed it to her.

It was perfect! Her hair was flying in the wind, the background blurred due to the speed of the train, and her body was prominently displayed, with her dress highlighting her features. Her face had a melancholy smile that added to her allure. It was a million emotions frozen in time.

“My masterpiece,” said Mani, breaking the trance. Kavya nodded. Ever since they had joined the company, Mani would offer to take pictures of her, edit them, and send them back. She liked how he openly admired her beauty and praised her. He did the same for Priya, so it never felt inappropriate.

“This one needs zero editing. You could hang it in your living room,” he added.

“Thank you, Mani,” said Kavya happily. “You are a good photographer.”

“With a woman as beautiful as you, photography comes naturally,” replied Mani with a wink.

They both returned to their seats, smiling. Mani always knew how to make her smile, both at the office and through messages. Since Harshit often worked late, Kavya would be bored after putting Nirav to bed. Mani would message her around 10:30, and they would chat and laugh.

He always ended by praising her looks. The more she blushed, the more he praised her beauty and femininity, making her evenings pleasant. The group set up their sleepers and began to doze off. As the train passed through a city, mobile internet returned, and she received a notification.

She opened it excitedly, thinking it was Harshit, but it was the photo Mani took with the caption “SAD ANGEL.” Kavya laughed. Mani often called her an “angel,” but his bad English made him type “angel.” She teased him back, asking if it was an acute angle or an obtuse angle.

They all slept and reached the station the next morning. The resort had sent a Jeep for pickup. After a tough one-hour journey through unpaved roads, they reached the resort. It was an amazing place with giant trees surrounding the house and a small river flowing in front.

They had booked two rooms, one for the boys and one for the girls. After the tiring journey, they needed a rest. Around 10 o’clock, they felt refreshed and had breakfast. Since it was off-season, there were no other guests except for a honeymoon couple the owner mentioned were also staying at the resort.

Their first activity was white water rafting. They all went back to their rooms to change. Priya had already bought a UV protection swimsuit jacket and shorts specifically for this trip. Kavya had no choice but to wear a cotton T-shirt and shorts. The boys all wore shorts and T-shirts.

The Jeep took them to the starting point of the river. The rushing sound of the water made Kavya nervous, and she hesitated, but Priya encouraged her to continue. They all donned helmets and life jackets while the instructor briefed them on safety.

Once everyone was in the boat, the instructor took the paddles and began rowing into the river. The rapids were initially gentle, but after a few minutes, they became steep enough to rock the boat. Kavya clutched the boat tightly as water splashed into it.

They approached a narrow and fast section of the river. Kavya attempted to paddle, but the water was rushing too fast for her to manage. The river descended in a big fall, and they dropped at least 20 feet. The boat almost capsized, although the instructor deftly handled it,

But Kavya was thrown out of the raft and into the river while the others somehow held on. Kavya was shocked as she fell into the cold water. It chilled her to the bone. She was trying to thrash as she didn’t know how to swim. She didn’t understand that she wouldn’t drown due to her life jacket.

She was screaming at the top of her lungs due to fear. She tried to grab something to support herself, but the flow of the river quickly carried her away. The instructor called out to relax and calm down, saying that they would very soon hit the calm waters.

They would be able to fish her out without problems, but Kavya did not process any of that. Mani realised that she was badly panicked and jumped into the river to try and calm her down. Aiming himself towards her, he quickly reached her. But in her panicked state, she was thrashing a lot.

He then held her midriff tightly, drawing her attention and whispered, “You can’t drown Kavya; you have a life jacket.” Kavya stopped thrashing, and Mani gave a long sigh as her body finally relaxed. She felt the strength of Mani’s arms as he held her in a strong grip.

Though shivering due to the cold water, she was relieved that Mani had saved her. In that commotion, she didn’t realise that her T-shirt had come up. Mani was grabbing her bare stomach as they floated into calmer waters. When they neared the raft, Mani held on to it.

He helped her get on while pushing her up and then climbing in himself. Once they were inside the raft, she started shivering. The river was a bit placid now, but the instructor called out that there were a few more rapid descents. She started screaming to leave her alone. She doesn’t want to go rafting anymore.

Priya tried to reason by saying that they were in the middle of the forest. There is no option to get off in the middle of nowhere. But the instructor corrected her, saying that there were vantage points where they dropped off quitters. There was a landline to call the main office to send the Jeep.

Mani offered to get down with her. Kavya was relieved that he was ready to be with him. They got down at the vantage point and called the office. The office replied that it would take at least half an hour for the Jeep to reach. It was around 1 pm now.

They removed their life jackets and kept talking. Kavya noticed that this time, Mani was finding it hard to maintain eye contact and kept glancing at her chest. She looked down and realised the cotton T-shirt was clinging to her body, revealing the outline of her bra.

Her midriff was slightly visible because of the wetness of the clothes. She suddenly became aware of her vulnerable state. After a few minutes, Mani said, “You know I showed our pics to my aunt. My aunt looked at you and asked if you were my girlfriend.”

Kavya blushed at his comment and replied, “Really? What did you say?” Mani gave a crooked smile and then continued, “I said she is married and has a ***. But she said you looked so young and hot.” Kavya laughed loudly.

“I said she is also an aged person like you, my other aunty at the office,” joked Mani. Kavya immediately punched his arm, “Do I look like an aunty?” she chided. Mani laughingly stuck his tongue out. Kavya quickly slapped his hand and turned away from him in mock anger.

Mani was still staring at her chest area. “You have a very flat stomach for a mother of a *****,” he commented. Kavya started laughing at his statement. “That must be because I don’t eat much,” she remarked. Mani smiled, “Yeah.”

She realised that the conversation was getting weird. “I’m sorry for touching your stomach area back in the river. You were thrashing, and I had no choice,” he apologised.

“It’s okay. The shock of hitting the water coupled with the realisation that I did not know how to swim had stunned me,” she replied meekly. He started giggling. “Did you think that you would sink? You have a life jacket, and the water was hardly 10 feet deep.”

Kavya was confused as to how to reply. “Anyways, thank god you came to the rescue,” Kavya said, patting his shoulder. “Sometimes, Kavya, the best things can be enjoyed if you stop thinking and live in the moment,” Mani said.

Kavya stared at him as if he was narrating one of his philosophy classes in college. “You always say the right thing. It amazes me every time,” she complimented.

Mani laughed. “When I meet you, my ego seems to disappear completely. When I’m around you, everything else seems so small,” he admitted.

She was stunned by his admission and then smiled back sheepishly. “Well, your mind should go astray sometime. So it doesn’t bore you too much,” she teased. Mani gave a sly grin and replied, “Hey, who says it’s boredom? I am extremely fascinated by your beauty. Your humour and your attitude all fascinate me.”

Kavya couldn’t help herself and chuckled. She placed her hand on his thigh. “Yes, you are really interesting to watch. Whenever I see you, I can’t control myself,” Mani added. Kavya instantly took her hand off his thigh and blushed profusely. She didn’t know whether to be flattered or embarrassed.

After a while, they both fell silent. The adrenaline rush of water rescue was almost over. Both of them were feeling cold due to wet clothes, and the breeze made it worse. Each minute passed slowly, and they didn’t know when the Jeep would arrive.

They had no change of clothes, and they couldn’t move away from the vantage point. As she started shivering, Mani instinctively pulled her close and hugged her tight. She felt herself melt into his embrace. He buried his face into her hair and inhaled deeply, smelling the subtle smell of fresh shampoo in her hair.

Kavya closed her eyes, and her senses reawakened as she felt his body pressed against hers. It sent shivers down her spine. Her heart was beating fast, and she could feel her cheeks heating up. She could feel her nipple harden and stiffen under the thin cotton t-shirt. She felt embarrassed. She pulled back a little.

Mani felt uncomfortable when she pulled and said, “I’m sorry, Kavya. But they say that in such situations, people should hug each other to preserve body heat and prevent hypothermia.”

She stared at him blankly, not knowing how to react. She wanted to push him away, but it felt so good being embraced by him. His warmth had engulfed her. “We don’t have to do anything. We can make the most of the situation and live in the moment,” he added, sensing her hesitation.

Kavya bit her lip. She finally nodded and hugged him tightly, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to absorb the moment. After a while, she had a long-forgotten feeling of a raging hard dick pressing against her. She instinctively pressed her pelvis towards his crotch.

Staff member
Choti Editor
Mar 18, 2024

Part 2​

The driver shouted something from inside the jeep, and it began moving towards them. They released each other with an audible sigh. Kavya grabbed the towel from the resort worker and wrapped it around her body. She took another one and wrapped it around her head, covering her face.

Mani also covered himself with a towel. They both put on their shoes and climbed in the jeep, with the 2 resort staff following closely behind. The journey back to the hotel was awkward. Kavya sat next to Mani in the back seat, and there was no window there.

He placed his leg on the middle seat, making sure it did not touch Kavya. They were quiet for some time. The jeep stopped near the reception. The two resort workers got down and signalled to get out of the jeep. Mani got down first and collected the key cards. He gave hers, and they wordlessly went to their rooms, which were adjacent to each other.

As she entered her room, she locked the door, immediately removed her T-shirt and looked at herself in the mirror. There was still dirt and sweat all over her body. But she noticed that her midriff was flat, as she was told. There were stretch marks from pregnancy visible on her hips and tummy.

But they were really difficult to notice because the fair skin tone was concealing them. She was proud of her reflection. She touched 72 kgs in the last months of pregnancy because of the Indian superstition of eating for two. She had worked herself to a respectable 58 kgs after the birth of Nirav.

She turned around again, looking at her slim figure. She removed all her clothes and stepped into a warm shower. Her thoughts drifted back to Mani’s words, “Your body is really amazing, especially your belly.” She remembered what happened at the vantage point.

Was Mani’s actions right or wrong? Yes, he did save her and was with her instead of relying on strangers from the resort in a dark forest like this. But at the same time, he kept staring at her breasts. But then she looked down at her boobs and thought, why wouldn’t he?

After all, they had grown from 32B to 34 post-pregnancy and lactation. He was human, too. Seeing her completely drenched and clingy must have made him horny. He wasn’t being indecent by looking. He was just being honest, and his statement wasn’t any less than flattering.

Also, Mani had a reputation for flirting with almost every woman in her company. They all found it amusing rather than offensive because of his ability to make people laugh. He also used to change girlfriends now and then. In fact, he would flirt with Priya in front of Matthew. They would laugh with him.

It had become a habit of his that he couldn’t stop flirting with every woman he met. Kavya never really took offence. Finally, she emerged from the bathroom. Wearing only her white panties and bra, she ran her fingers through her wet hair. She looked out of the window.

It was evening, the sky was already turning pinkish red with darkness setting in quickly. The water from the pool trickled down her body. It made her shiver, and goosebumps appeared on her skin. She got dressed. It wasn’t long before Priya and the others arrived.

They were very tired as the entire trip was three hours long with no break in paddling. After the first two rapid descents, it just felt like moving on a slow roller coaster for hours. Priya said she was just lucky and went to freshen up. Kavya wanted to talk about what happened with Mani but decided against it.

They went to the resort dining room for high tea. She found the boys already having samosas and playing foosball. Mani was back to his cheerful self as if nothing happened. So, Kavya decided to drop it altogether. After the high tea, they were playing different games.

Then, at around 6:30 pm, Priya requested the resort organisers to start the rain dance, which was part of their package. They had started the rain dance. The speakers were blaring some of the Bollywood dance numbers. Priya, Suhail and Mani went and started dancing. But Kavya and Ravish remained in their seats.

Priya looked at them, smiling while the boys were obviously teasing them. Priya called Ravish to take part in the dance, and soon, the whole group got involved. Priya grabbed Ravish’s hand and pulled him away from Kavya onto the dance floor.

Suhail also grabbed Kavya and held her by the waist tightly while trying to pull her towards them. Kavya tried to move away. But her hands were pulled down by Suhail and Priya, who were holding her. They began dancing. She tried to resist, but they were pulling her strongly.

Kavya, too, realised that she should let go of herself. She didn’t enjoy the rafting, but at least she knows how to dance. She reluctantly joined the boys and began dancing. She couldn’t really get her rhythm and felt out of place and nervous. She hadn’t done much dancing since she gave birth to Nirav.

Before marriage, she used to dance at weddings and parties with her friends. She loved to dance, but after Nirav was born, her social life completely died. There was nothing that could interest her other than motherhood and doing things with him.

She always considered it a blessing. But today, when all her friends were dancing, she suddenly felt so out of place. Kavya had never felt this way before, and today, it just hit her hard. She wanted to go back to being that carefree person again and dance until her legs gave up from exhaustion.

She started to focus on the music and didn’t care that the men were staring at her soaked t-shirt and bra. She didn’t care that there was some level of touching involved when they were doing a few steps. All she cared about was not leaving the dance floor. She wanted to keep on dancing forever.

But then she slipped and fell on the floor. Everyone stopped and helped her. Luckily, there was no fracture or twist in her ankle. Kavya told them to continue their dancing while she watched them. Ravish, too, stopped dancing as being out of shape. He couldn’t continue further.

Priya, Mani and Suhail resumed when they realised that she wasn’t hurt. Kavya’s mind wandered home as she sat out and started feeling guilty. She hadn’t contacted Harshit or Nirav in the last 24 hours. She was enjoying her time alone.

A tear rolled her eyes as she felt that she was doing something wrong. She quickly wiped away her tears and decided to call her husband. But the phone was in her room. So, she took the keycard from the table and left for her room. She realised that she was still wet.

So she decided to change her clothes because calls with Harshit would take a long time. She was in two minds if she had to talk about whether she was in a resort or not. She quickly removed her t-shirt, bra and shorts. She was only in her panties, which she knew were wet, too.

Priya had pushed her bag under the bed, so she decided to bend down and pull that luggage out, but it was stuck. She started tugging but to no avail. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. Before she could process it, the door unlocked, and Mani came inside the room.

He stared at her without saying anything and kept looking at her panty-clad body. Kavya froze and tried to cover her breasts. Mani just moved closer and stared at her boobs. They were totally exposed due to the pose she was in. Kavya wanted to yell at him, but the words didn’t come out.

Finally, she gathered enough courage and asked, “Why are you here?”

“Sorry, I wanted to take a dump and I accidentally took Priya’s keycard instead of mine,” explained Mani.

He kept soaking in her fully nude figure without blinking. Kavya didn’t know what to say. Mani quickly came close to her and said, “Sorry about entering your room.” He lied as he still enjoyed the sight of her naked boobs, hard nipples and her pussy. It was visible through her wet panties.

“No need to be sorry, man,” said Kavya sarcastically. “And stop looking at me like that.” Mani finally stopped ogling her, “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I have never seen such a beautiful body as yours before,” he said softly. Kavya was dumbstruck. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Mani had barged in when she was vulnerable and seen her in the way only Harshit was allowed to see. But she was getting goosebumps as he praised her body. She had fallen prey to lust once again and wasn’t able to understand why it happened.

But the worst part was she didn’t want him to stop looking at her. She enjoyed his eyes ogling at her body, and it made her even more horny. Her emotions were taking over her senses and making her act she never thought possible. She slowly relaxed her hands, trying to cover her breasts.

Mani, too, stopped trying to be apologetic and started staring at her chest and navel. Kavya realised that he was really turned on by seeing her. His erection started showing through his clingy, wet shorts. It was quite big and almost reached the end of his shorts.

This was driving her crazy, and she was unable to think straight. Mani’s eyes travelled down to her erect nipples. They looked so beautiful! It had already been five minutes since he entered the room. It was like a staring contest where both of them were anxious for the other to flinch.

Kavya still didn’t know what to do, and Mani didn’t want to force himself on her either. Finally, after giving each other several glances, they closed the gap between them. Maintaining eye contact, Mani gently put his arms around Kavya’s waist.

Kavya felt a wave of electricity sweep across her body from that touch.

Staff member
Choti Editor
Mar 18, 2024

Part 3​

Thanks for being patient in reading my story. This is a slow burner. I want to explore how women from ‘happy marriages’ still end up cheating on their husbands. After seeing a few real-life examples instead of the usual whore wife story.

Please send your feedback to Madiha.agarwal@yahoo.com, but no friendship or any meetup is allowed.

Mani could see that Kavya had already surrendered to him. But still, if he did any rapid movements she might wake up from the trance. He pressed her waist, and she let out a little moan. His hands travelled towards her navel, and he slowly put his finger into it.

Kavya instinctively closed her eyes but gave a deep moan. She completely removed her hands to give a good display of her breasts. Mani felt that she wanted him to touch them next.

The next move was very crucial, but before he could do it there was a loud blaring sound from Kavya’s phone. She pushed him off and rushed to the phone. It was Priya. She immediately answered it.

“Hey Kavya, where are you? I can’t find my keycard. Do you know where it is?”

“Priya, I accidentally took it. Please come here immediately,” Kavya replied. “I’m alone here and need company.”

The desperateness in her voice showed Mani that whatever trance she was in had now evaporated. She must be aware of her actions now. It might be the right time for him to escape before things get any worse. He left the room wordlessly.

Cursing Priya under his breath for ruining the perfect moment he had been dreaming of all these days. He left the room wondering how the fuck did this happen. Did she enjoy having him looking at her nude body? How close was he to getting her had Priya not called?

Will she come back, or will she stop talking to him completely? Would she block his number on all social media accounts? His mind was full of questions with no answers. Mani couldn’t take it anymore and sat on the chair, lost in his thoughts.

Just then, Priya entered the room and noticed that Kavya was sitting completely distraught. “What’s wrong, Kavya? What happened? Are you okay?” asked Priya as she entered the room.
“Umm, nothing”, Kavya said shakily.”I’m fine. It’s nothing.” Priya sensed something was not right. “Are you sure, Kavya? You don’t seem like you are okay. Did something happen?”

Kavya hesitated to reply. She was still trying to gather her thoughts and process everything. She wanted to talk about the incident to Priya and hear her thoughts on the matter. But at the same time, she didn’t want anyone else to know what just happened.

“I just…I don’t know. I felt I was so alone in the middle of the forest, so I panicked.”

“Oh, Kavya!” Priya sat next to her and wrapped her arms around her. “You should have said something earlier. I am really sorry for leaving you alone like that.”

Kavya smiled weakly. What could she tell about Mani barging when she was naked, and she didn’t protest even though he was standing in front of her? But she wasn’t ready to share her intimate experience with her friend yet.

“It’s alright, Priya. It’s been a while since I left my family, so I felt alone today,” she tried to brush it off. Priya saw that she wasn’t comfortable sharing the details with her. So she decided to go to the bathroom to change from her wet clothes to the rain dance.

This gave Kavya some time to contemplate whatever happened right before Priya called. Her emotions were running wild. Was it just an accident, or was she truly into this man? Why did she accept his advances? She was naked, and he was touching her body.

She didn’t want anyone to see it except her husband, but it made her feel good. Had Priya called her five minutes later, they would have done more things she shouldn’t have. Guilt, fear and shame now overwhelmed her. She was horrified, thinking that all the things she had done in the last few minutes were just bad.

She kept replaying the incidents over and over in her head. Trying to understand how such an intelligent girl ended up doing such a stupid thing. She realised that lust overpowered her brain. It allowed the devil inside her to rule. It has extinguished everything from her upbringing.

Husband, *****, etc and replaced them with the carnal pleasures that he had to offer. She is a married woman and a mother. Harshith has only given her love and affection all these days. He has been busy with this startup and ***** these days. The spark has extinguished, but it hasn’t died.

All she needs is to reignite it. All she needs is a similar resort trip without Nirav, and she knows how Harshit would jump on her in no time. She also needs to tell Mani that he has crossed a few boundaries today. She doesn’t want anything like that to happen again.

She allowed him to praise her beauty and indulge in some harmless flirting. But she can’t let things progress beyond that. It’s not appropriate for her as a married person. She wants to be friends with him and let him know that she can never be more than a friend to him.

It’s so tough for her to tell him after being naked in front of him. She hopes he doesn’t spread this to anyone. Mani needs to understand that she cannot do things beyond what is appropriate for her. It may affect their friendship. It won’t be nice if her reputation gets ruined over some innocent fun.

She decided to talk about this discreetly so that their friendship circle doesn’t get disrupted. Priya might feel guilty because she was the one who coaxed her into the trip. Then she realised what happened to her. Maybe after dinner, she might talk to Mani in private so that he won’t tell anyone about this incident.

After Priya got fresh, they just lay down in the large king bed, taking a rest. At around 7:30 pm, they received a call from the intercom that the dinner was ready. The girls got fresh and went to the dining area. They found that the men were already there.

They had opened a bottle of beer and were eating. They also saw that honeymoon couple sitting at a different table and were close to each other. Priya giggled as they reminded her of their initial days. But Kavya hardly took notice.
Her eyes met Mani. He tried to smile, hoping to break the ice.

But Kavya gave a glare. He immediately lowered his eyes and kept them on his plate. Things turned awkward between them. The dinner was very subdued. Mani was the usual chatterbox and when he stopped talking, it was only Priya who was leading the conversation.

She noticed that neither Mani nor Kavya were participating in it but decided to ignore it. After dinner, they noticed that the honeymoon couple went to the tree house. They started to enjoy the starry night. They decided to allow them privacy and not disturb them.

Priya wanted to stay and talk, but Ravish said that they needed to do the trekking in the early morning, 6 am. It’s best to sleep since they all had a tiring day with the rafting. The entire gang went back to their rooms. Priya wanted to have one last chat with the boys.

But Ravish insisted that they all needed sleep as they would start early tomorrow morning. Even though Priya was very energetic, the effects of rowing for three hours showed. The moment she hit the bed, she immediately started snoring.

Kavya wished she could run by her before informing Mani. But now that doesn’t seem possible. Maybe she can take some rest and tell him tomorrow. Despite the fact that she was tired, she couldn’t sleep at all. She wanted to call Harshit. But she felt he couldn’t do it without clearing this up with Mani first.

She would feel guilty for calling her husband after such a dalliance. She closed her eyes and decided to count sheep to calm her nerves. At around 10:00 pm, she couldn’t control it and took the phone and opened WhatsApp. She opened it to find that there was still no message from Harshit.

She opened Mani’s chat and found him online. She wanted to type but then decided not to. When she kept the phone, she received a notification from WhatsApp saying she had received a new message. She immediately opened it to read the message.

“Not slept yet?” It was from Mani, she didn’t reply. “Are you awake yet?” It’s again from Mani, she ignored. “Hey, we need to talk about what happened today.”

Kavya immediately pulled out her phone and started typing.

Kavya: Hey, look, whatever that happened was a mistake.

Mani: A very beautiful mistake.

Kavya: We shouldn’t have done this, and I am sorry.

Mani: Yes, we shouldn’t have done this, but I’m not sorry.

Kavya: Please don’t say this again.

Mani: Well, how can I ever forget seeing that exquisite thing in my life? Your body was heavenly. It would have been rude to keep my hands off you.

Kavya: Oh God! Please don’t talk like that.

Mani: But now, I have no option. I have seen it, and my mind is filled with those images of you.

Kavya: Now, this is getting awkward.

Mani: If you don’t reply, I won’t be able to stop thinking about you all night.

Kavya was actually aroused thinking of Mani imagining her naked. But she is a married woman, and she can’t entertain this.

Kavya: But remember, I’m married, and this needs to be between us. This has to end here.

Mani: I will respect your feelings. You must believe me that I will never say anything to anyone. All I want is to meet you again tonight to give a complete closure only if you agree.

Kavya didn’t know what to do. Maybe it’s for the best. Tell him face to face that she doesn’t want any of this and start respecting boundaries. Mani knew from her lack of reply that she was already thinking about the meeting. He typed “Treehouse in 10 minutes,” and she saw his online status disappear.

Kavya was in a dilemma about whether to go or not. But the guilt of what happened in the evening was eating her. She wanted to let it out to Mani so that he would stop making advances towards her. She looked at her clock and noticed it was 10:30 pm.

She looked outside and found it dark. Priya was still snoring. She grabbed the keycard and went to the treehouse. After navigating through the resort late at night, she somehow reached the treehouse and climbed the stairs quietly. She knocked on the door.

When she got no response, she opened the door and went inside. Mani was sitting next to the window, watching the stars. “Sorry I’m late,” she whispered. She was surprised at how good the treehouse was. It was almost like a small bedroom. It had a bed on one side with a couch on the other.

One part of the roof was made of glass, giving the view of the sky. The front had a huge window overlooking the river. Whoever designed it has an insane artistic touch. It’s a surprise that those honeymoon couples did not stay here to consummate their marriage.

“Didn’t expect you to come here,” Mani remarked while turning towards her.

“Look, Mani, regarding what happened in the evening, “started Kavya.

“No more talking. Let’s move on,” He interrupted. Kavya felt weird hearing that. But she sat on the edge of the bed as he gestured for her to sit next to him.

“Look, I’m married,” she began again.

“I know,” Mani said.

“I think that…”

“Stop thinking then,” interrupted Mani. “Whatever happened has happened. We can’t go back and change that.”

He was right. They cannot change that. She nodded. “Look, I’m ashamed of what happened,” she said.

“Don’t be ashamed,” he smiled. “There is nothing to be ashamed of. You have such an incredible body. You should be proud of it. I mean, it’s too much for a man like me to resist.”

She blushed. This was the reason that made her afraid. Mani has been flirting with her even at this juncture. Then she noticed him staring at her boobs. She realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She usually takes it off at night. She could feel her nipples getting erect.

“Stop staring at them, Mani, “she said, but her voice seemed to be weak.

“What’s wrong? I have seen them before without that t-shirt,” he laughed.

“Just concentrate on what I’m saying. That’s what happened before, and I’m really embarrassed about it,” she tried to justify.

“Look, there are two things out there. One, I should never tell anyone about it, and I swear I will not,” answered Mani, “But the second thing about being embarrassed about it I cannot agree to it. I loved what we did, and I think you liked it too. Your body is a work of art. I’m happy that I was able to view it. My erection at that time was perfectly normal. Any man would face it when looking at a beautiful woman like you.”

Kavya stared at him. For a moment, she thought of slapping him, but she couldn’t. She, too, was aroused by his unabashed praise. He is literally owning up to the fact that he had an erection for her.

“However, I do have one regret,” he said.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I didn’t get a chance to see you completely nude, ” he added. She stared at him. His eyes were now fixated on her tits.

“But you did …” She started.

“But you were still wearing panties. So I couldn’t see the most beautiful part of you,” he said, smiling mischievously. His hands moved forward and held her t-shirt. He lifted her t-shirt upwards, exposing her chest. The colour rose on her face. She suddenly realised that he wanted to touch her boob.

“Stop it! Don’t touch me! Don’t you understand I’m married?” she protested.

“Remember Kavya, the oath you took in the train? For three days, you will not think about your husband and son on this trip and only think about enjoying yourself and having fun. Are you breaking the oath?” he said firmly.

“This is not what I meant when I said about enjoying myself,” she protested.

“Look, Kavya, I would sometimes message a few women at around 10 pm if I’m bored. You always would answer. But I have never seen Priya answer unless her husband is on a business trip or with his friends. Why are you always free to chat during the times other wives are busy?” he teased.

Those words felt like a slap on the face of Kavya. She and Harshit had a fairly active sex life, at least 3 or 4 times a week. But after the birth of Nirav and Harshit joining the startup, they hardly had time. Nirav seemed to have some beacon to cry when they became cosy immediately.

In that startup, Harshit had called almost every day from 8:00 pm to even up to 2:00 am to serve the onshore clients. So basically, both Kavya and Harshit have no quality time together. It’s been a while since they had sex with each other.

“There are nights when you had initiated conversation just to find me busy,” laughed Mani, “I knew you were bored at that time and desperately needed company. So here you are. Now stop all these protests and enjoy. I’m going to remove that t-shirt that is hiding your breasts from my sight.”

And with that, he ripped off the t-shirt. Kavya shivered with fear, and her hands went to cover herself, but Mani held them gently. Her body stiffened when he moved his hands and grabbed one of her boobs tightly. He began massaging it softly as she stood silently watching him.

Staff member
Choti Editor
Mar 18, 2024

Part 4​

Thanks for being patient in reading my story. I promised you would get a lot of erotica once the characters have been established, and here it is. Please send your feedback to Madiha.agarwal@yahoo.com. But no friendship or any meetup is allowed.

And with that, Mani ripped off the t-shirt. Kavya shivered with fear, and her hands went to cover herself, but Mani held her hands gently. Her body stiffened when he moved his hands and grabbed one of her boobs tightly. He began massaging it softly as she stood silently watching him.

“It’s been a long time since I got hold of one such beauty, ” he murmured, “I want to squeeze those luscious boobs of yours.”

“Please, Mani,” whimpered Kavya. “I’m married.”

“Well, Kavya, just because you left the home doesn’t mean your husband will die of hunger. He will order from outside. This is so similar to that. I’m giving you what you are hungry for. Your body needs it, your mind craves it, and your soul wants it. And I can give it to you,” he assured her.

“Mani, please, you are being unfair. I can’t do this,” cried Kavya.

“Don’t make excuses. Kavya,” said Mani, “This is similar to the way you fell into the river. Stop thrashing and slowly accept it. Don’t worry. You will not drown as I will be holding you tight.”

Kavya continued to struggle. But he continued to play with her boobs roughly until finally, he pulled her face and kissed her lips passionately.

“Do you like that?” he whispered. “It’s been a long time since I had such a soft and pliable mouth to suck.”

Kavya’s tongue instinctively began to lick his lips to savour the taste of his lips. She bit her lip against the passion, opened her mouth slightly, and let his tongue slip inside. As soon as it entered, she moaned. It was delicious. She sucked it like she used to do with her husband but with more fervour.

It was obvious that she enjoyed the feeling as she closed her eyes in blissful pleasure. Suddenly, he pushed her back on the bed and laid on top of her. He began kissing down her neck slowly towards her shoulder. When he reached there, he gently placed one hand on her shoulder.

Then quickly grabbed the other breast and began squeezing it tightly. He pinched her nipples and brought tears to her eyes. His fingers moved faster on her boob, making her moan with pleasure. He was touching her breast softly, slowly and sensually.

Massaging her tits so carefully and s****fully that it sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. Mani stopped kissing for a moment and took time to remove his t-shirt and vest to become topless. Kavya saw his body. He was dark-skinned, very hairy and was very tight.

He didn’t have a chiselled gym body, but there was hardly any loose fat on him. He had a flat belly. While she was admiring him, Mani, too took time to admire her body. Her beautiful face was overflowing with lust. Her breasts were quivering mildly like jelly due to her difficult breathing.

Her mouth was wide open in pure ecstasy, and her nipples were erect. “Wow, this is the most symmetrical breasts I have ever seen. God bless you, Kavya. Both of them equally voluptuous,” said Mani in a husky voice.

“I bet this is how the dome of the Taj Mahal might look from the sky, white as marble but having a pinkish brown tint over it.”

Kavya was surprised at how he compared her breasts to a part of the grandeur of the Taj Mahal. She knows how Harshit always loved playing with her boobs, even pressing innocuously. She was helping her mother-in-law with cooking. But she never expected Mani to talk so freely about them.

He was still admiring them like a small ***** at ice cream. “What a poet you are!” she teased. “Comparing me with a wonder.”

“Your body is the eighth wonder, Kavya. The most beautiful wonder of the world,” he added. “Your smile, your gorgeous hair, your pink lips, the shape of your eyes. Everything is wonderful.”

Kavya’s eyes widened at his words. She wondered whether he really meant them or if it was an act to impress her further. She smiled shyly at him and nodded, “But don’t say things like that, Mani. You are making me blush.”

“Whatever,” said Mani. He bent down and started motorboating her breasts again. Kavya couldn’t resist herself even though her husband used to make love to her like she never experienced before. She had never felt a wave of excitement like this.

She came from a family of highly qualified individuals who used to prioritise education. Harshit was also a keen learner and would constantly read new books and blogs.

Now she is in bed with Mani, a last-bench student who looks like Chhapri from a non-English medium education. He took six years to complete engineering due to backlogs and talks with a ‘country bumpkin’ accent. They were in different worlds together, but it didn’t matter anymore.

All that mattered was their bodies moving together and creating fire like never before. Mani was all over her breasts, licking, nibbling, biting. But he was consciously avoiding her nipples, which was a big turn-on for Kavya. She hoped he would eventually move.

But even after a few minutes, he kept doing it. Kavya used her hands to push her nipples to his mouth, but he still moved away. It was obvious that he was teasing her, wanting her to beg him to suck her nipples. She did it for a second time, and he moved away again.

She got pissed and shouted, “Choos le, Madarchod,” (Suck, Motherf***r) in anger and frustration. Mani stopped playing and looked at her, grinning. It was cool to see a highly refined woman use street-level abusive language. He loved how he pushed her buttons. She could sense his smugness at her reaction.

He bent down and now started sucking her nipples. Kavya moaned out loud, “Aah yes, aur choos” (suck more). But again soon realised how filthy she was behaving in front of him. Mani sucked for a moment and then sat up, shocked.

“I just drank your milk, Kavya,” he screamed, unable to comprehend what had happened. He had only had sex with unmarried or *****less women. Kavya was shocked, too, because she had weaned Nirav off her breast milk. It had stopped secreting. She didn’t know there was residual still out there.

She smiled as if permitting him to suck more. It’s been a while since someone has used her breasts for something other than feeding. Mani wasn’t anyway going to miss such an opportunity. He kept sucking both her breasts alternating between nipples, sucking and gently biting one nipple.

“Oh, yes, it’s good,” Kavya moaned loudly and arched her back when he bit harder Mani couldn’t stop himself when she moaned and kept moaning louder with every suck. His hands slowly moved down to grab her ass over her shorts and squeeze tightly.

Kavya was almost squirming on the bed but had managed to control herself. Her mind went blank thinking about all the filth they were committing right now. Mani’s hands were desperate to go into her shorts and rub her cunt. He was controlling himself.

Kavya is not a regular woman he had hookups or relationships with. He wants to enjoy each part of her inch by inch in a phased manner without thinking of the main event. He wanted both of them to remember this memorable encounter until they got dementia or died of old age.

After around 10 minutes of sucking, biting, and nibbling, Mani left her breasts. They were now completely sore and had a coating of his saliva. He slowly moved down and kissed her navel. As a South Indian, he had a navel fetish and slowly let his tongue inside her navel to lick and taste her.

Kavya liked it and pushed his head closer to her belly button and let out some long, loud moans, which drove Mani wild. He licked all around her navel until he reached the crotch area. He put both his hands on her shorts and then slowly pulled them to reveal her magenta cotton panties.

They were already wet, and her pussy lips were forming a cameltoe. He could literally smell her pussy inviting him to feast. But Mani wanted to play some more time. He kept pulling her shorts until it came off her legs. He then pulled one of her legs and started kissing her toes.

Kavya moaned as this was the first time someone paid attention to her. He then took her dominant toe and started sucking it slowly and slowly moving towards the other toes. He went up the leg and kissed the knee, followed by the thighs, then the waist.

As he neared her pussy, Kavya was breathing heavily and pushing his head forward. As he continued kissing her thighs, her breath quickened, and she started moaning in pleasure. This must be the best she had ever felt. He kept on kissing and nibbling on her skin until he got close enough to wet her panties.

He then kissed her panties, inhaled the musk of her pussy. Then started sucking her pussy over her panties. Kavya was really horny now and pushed her hips towards his face. She wasn’t sure why he wanted to suck her pussy with the panties on. But in reality, even Mani didn’t know why he was doing this.

He just wanted to do things her husband might not have tried while keeping it as vanilla as possible. He was notorious among his partners for indulging in rough sex, so he knew what to expect, but not here and not with a married woman. He continued to suck her clit and wet panties.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. After a couple of minutes, he decided to give this experiment up and then positioned himself between her crotch. He had removed his shorts. His penis was creating a tentpole on his boxers. He knew that he wouldn’t last long if he started having intercourse with her.

The whole idea was to make her experience multiple orgasms by teasing her. Kavya saw his cock dangling behind his boxers, threatening to come out. She wanted to see what was beneath that. But Mani started rubbing his boxers over her pussy.

Allowing their private parts to feel each other with the fabric of their underwear, protecting them from skin-to-skin contact. The feeling made her crazy, and her pussy juices seeped through the fabric and touched his boxers. He was surprised at how wet she was since they hadn’t fucked yet.

But the anticipation was ****ing her. She moaned loudly and bucked her hips towards him, trying to press his cock against her wet pussy, hoping to pull it inside her despite their underwear. The friction caused by rubbing their genitals together was driving them crazy.

Kavya just moaned and rocked her hips back and forth to rub his dick with her pussy. Mani loved how she was now a willing partner, not a starfish lying on the bed, hoping the men would do the job. Mani lifted her leg and placed it on his shoulder, and started rubbing his cock against her slippery panties.

This increased the friction causing Kavya to moan louder and more excited. Her pussy was heating up and dripping juices onto his boxers, making the material stick to his cock. He gently rubbed his boxers over her pussy. Her juices coated the entire length of his shaft.

He couldn’t believe this was happening to him but this had gone beyond anything he expected. After around five minutes of dry humping, Kavya started begging Mani to fuck her. To remove her panties so she can spread her legs and allow him to enter her warm pussy.

She thought she was getting close to an orgasm, and her clit was pulsating hard against his boxers. Mani kept rubbing it even harder as he knew she was so close to an orgasm and started rubbing her harder. He was also afraid he might come first and embarrass himself in front of her.

After around another 5 minutes of intense rubbing, Kavya started crying and screamed, “I am cumming,” as her pussy muscles clenched around his boxers. She felt her body go into spasm and then release. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced recently.

She kept shaking and quivering. Then finally opened her eyes to find Mani still rubbing his cock around her pussy to prolong the stimulation and excitement. Kavya was already seeing stars, except this time, it was from the glass balcony. She was taking deep breaths, trying to regain her composure.

She looked down to see her panties drenched in her juices. She then noticed Mani’s boxers soaked in her juices, which she found extremely erotic. Mani heaved a sigh of relief as he didnt come in this process.

“Wow, I never knew I could orgasm like this without any physical contact. It’s amazing,” she said. Mani smiled weakly as even he didn’t know a woman could come like this by just rubbing the boxers against her pussy. He also enjoyed every bit of it.

But the night was still long, and he wanted to enjoy her very slowly, every inch by inch.

Staff member
Choti Editor
Mar 18, 2024

Part 5​

Thanks for being patient in reading my story. I’m bringing it to a logical conclusion. Yes, there will be more parts. However, currently, I’m a bit busy with my professional and personal life. I will publish them once I get a chance to write again.

Please send your feedback to Madiha.agarwal@yahoo.com, but no friendship or any meetup is allowed.

It was maybe 30 or 45 minutes since they started, and they hadn’t even removed their underwear. Mani was new to this slow game. But as long as Kavya was in it, he could do it all night. She raised her ass slightly off the bed and said, “Take my panties off.”

Mani smiled as he felt her giving him the ownership to fuck her in whatever way he liked. He slowly pulled her panties to finally reveal her pussy. It wasn’t as bad as he had expected. It was trimmed well and looked well manicured despite having a bush but more like a hedge.

“Wow, I thought you would be having a wild bush and cobwebs as you weren’t getting any from your husband,” he remarked.

Kavya rolled her eyes. Why do men think that women shave or trim down there only to impress their men? It’s just another grooming thing they do for their hygiene. Looking good for their men was just secondary.

“Finally,” exclaimed Mani, “I’ve been granted the privilege of seeing you naked. You are absolutely stunning.”

He just paused at whatever he was doing as if his mind was taking enough photos to remember this sight forever. She gave him a look saying ‘enough pictures already’, but he didn’t listen.

He just stared in awe at the view of her perfectly shaped firm boobs, tiny waist and wide hips topped by the sexy pussy between her legs. Kavya watched him gawk and drool at her body while holding her breath. She hoped he would stop this staring and focus on pleasuring her.

She never knew someone could watch her with this admiration even when they want to simply fuck her senseless. She knew how many times she had surprised Harshith by randomly appearing naked and seeing his light up. But never close to what Mani was showing right now.

“We don’t have all day, bad boy,” she said, trying to sound tough. Mani immediately stopped staring and picked up where he left off. He opened her legs and then plunged his head right into her crotch. His tongue probed deeply between her folds, searching out her clit and flicking her tender bud mercilessly.

She groaned loudly at the delicious sensation of his tongue exploring her lips, her clit, and her wetness. Mani began using both his hands to grab her firm butt and pull her pussy further towards his mouth. He wanted to suck on her sweet cunt so badly and bury his face between those lovely thighs.

The more he pressed her pussy towards his mouth, the wetter it got making his tongue slide in and out with ease. As his tongue was servicing her, his fingers were probing into her wet slit. She closed her eyes, enjoying this immensely and groaning loudly again.

“WHERE…DID…YOU…LEARN…THIS?” she managed to say. Harshit hardly did this, and even then, it wasn’t this exquisite.

The longer he continued, the louder she became. Her moans started to turn deeper as she quickly went past the point of no return. She let out loud shrieks of ecstasy. It was such a divine feeling. She didn’t want it to end even after the initial shuddering waves subsided.

There was a continuous throbbing pulsating through her pussy as she tried to hold back her screams. Mani knew he needed to speed things up. He sped up the licking and then sucked her clit into his mouth. She squealed at this new change. She let out an ear-piercing scream.

The pleasure shot through her body one more time. Mani continued sucking hard and then released her clit. He continued flicking her with his tongue relentlessly until she reached her peak once again. This time, she screamed even louder. Her whole body trembled with sheer delight and satisfaction.

This was something she hadn’t experienced before. The full experience of intense sexual stimulation combined with orgasmic bliss. The aftermath of this orgasm was very satisfying, too. It relaxed her muscles and let her catch her breath.

Kavya’s mind was reeling from the unexpected blissful orgasms that she had just experienced. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to enjoy this much pleasure ever in her life. Mani was smiling as he gazed at the contorted face of his beautiful lover, enjoying his ministrations to perfection.

His beard and moustache were wet due to her pussy juices which were dripping from his mouth and chin. He climbed up and then kissed her mouth so that she could drink her cum. Kavya was slightly repulsed, but her gratitude towards giving her best oral orgasms made her return his kisses eagerly.

After that, he sat next to her and asked, “So, did I meet your expectations?” She smiled and replied, “Oh god! You did exceed my expectations.”

“Well, here is the gift you have been waiting for,” he said and stood on the bed with his legs across the body. Making sure she was at eye level with his crotch. Kavya saw his erect cock still begging to be relieved from his boxers and then pulled it down from its hiding place.

She gasped when she saw his dick glistening with precum oozing out from its tip and running down its shaft. Kavya noticed it was around 6 inches, the same as Harshith, although slightly thicker. However, what fascinated her was that it wasn’t standing straight.

But it had a slight curve and pointed upwards. She also noticed that her head was bigger than the rest, giving the image of a mushroom. She also noticed how dark it was. She knew Indians had their privates darker than their faces for some weird evolutionary reason.

But his cock was almost as dark as charcoal, given his South Indian ancestry. Mani was waiting for her reaction. She couldn’t help herself by giggling, “What a lovely-looking cock you have.” She said, taking his dick into her hand and cupping it lovingly. Mani blushed as he didn’t expect her to call it ‘lovely’.

“Bigger than your husband? Isn’t it?” he asked, raising his eyebrows teasingly. Kavya smirked at him and answered. “Well, not big. But certainly darker, “She replied and then sniggered, “Much darker!”

“You do know that dark chocolate is more costly than milk chocolate, don’t you?” he asked, grinning slyly. “And it tastes much better, too.”

“We are going to find out about that now,” she winked at him. Mani realised that Kavya was definitely not a conservative girl, as he was thinking earlier. Kavya opened her mouth wide and licked the length of his cock, starting from the head to his balls and back.

Mani’s body shivered as he felt the velvet sensation of her tongue moving over his flesh, sending waves of pleasure through his body. She then stopped at the base of his cock and licked it there. It made him squirm in anticipation. He was holding himself to prevent any movements and control his rising excitement.

Then she raised her head slowly, licking each inch of his penis along with the sides and ends. Finally, as she reached the tip, she blew gently. Her saliva moistened the tip and sent shivers down his spine. She licked the pre-cum leaking from the tip like a professional.

She then stuck her tongue out to lick the shaft from the base to the head. She used her fingers to grip the foreskin back. She then opened her mouth wide and pushed the entire length of his penis deep into her mouth. She was tongue fucking him furiously.

Her lips and tongue gripped his skin tightly and twirled all around it. Then she started to slide up and down his shaft, at the same time, using her fingers to stroke his balls vigorously. He grabbed her hair and pulled her closer as he bucked his hips, trying to impale her throat.

She responded by letting go of his balls and cupped them firmly, giving him maximum pleasure. As soon as she moved up his dick, she sucked his balls in her mouth. All the while stroking his shaft as fast as she could without hurting her neck.

Now with one hand, she grasped the base of his dick with two fingers in between her lips. Then with the other hand, she fondled his balls with great expertise and massaged them as she fucked his penis. His cock was buried deep inside her throat. His balls were being massaged simultaneously.

He was in seventh heaven and couldn’t think of anything else except fuck her senseless. “Kavya, Kavya, stop, stop!” he yelled suddenly. Kavya’s eyes immediately looked up, with her mouth still holding his penis. The very sight of black cock in her fair mouth itself made him almost orgasm.

Mani calmed himself and explained, “It’s just that I am getting close to climax. I just want to do inside your cunt before I ejaculate.” He quickly pulled his dick out of her mouth. Kavya gagged slightly from the lack of air in her throat and stared at his dick for some time.

It took some effort to regain her composure. Anyway, she wasn’t a big fan of blowjobs, and her pussy needed something inside. Mani slowly made her lie on her back. He was on top of her positioning his cock at the entrance of her pussy. He rubbed the tip against her clit, making her wriggle on the bed uncontrollably.

“I dreamt of this moment ever since my eyes lay upon you on the first day of the orientation program,” he said. Kissing her passionately on her forehead and caressing her cheek gently with his fingers.”It is as though fate wanted me to fuck you under the stars.”
Then he slowly penetrated her pussy with his rock-hard dick. Her body convulsed violently, making her scream out loud in ecstasy. For some unknown reason, his dick felt huge inside her pussy, even though it was the same size as her husband.

Maybe it was the thickness or the curvature or the size of his head. But it stretched her open wider than her husband’s cock would. Kavya gasped as the pressure on her pussy walls increased. It seemed that the weight of his dick was crushing her uterus.

As her body adjusted to his size, Mani slowly moved forward, increasing his pace. She moaned and breathed heavily, feeling every inch of his dick inside her burning-hot tunnel. He put his hands on her boobs, squeezing them gently. His mouth opened wide as he thrust faster and harder.

The sweet aroma of their combined sex permeated the room like a heavy fog. It prevented her mind from functioning properly. Her head tilted back as she continued to moan loudly and panting with passion. Soon, they both became drenched in sweat as they strained hard.

Their bodies became like iron rods sinking deeper and deeper in the warm sea of their passions. Their combined scent and sweat formed an aphrodisiac that was driving them crazy with desire. The rhythmic movements increased as they pumped in and out of each other to reach the heights of sexual pleasure.

Every movement, every stroke caused his cock to penetrate further into her velvety pussy. The passage grew larger and larger. Her pussy spasmed continuously, causing Mani to thrust faster and harder. Kavya was pleasantly surprised at how he was able to thrust rhythmically, taking no breaks.

His curved penis and large cock were hitting her G-spot, creating a rush of immense pleasure. It was the kind of pain that felt so good she didn’t know if she could endure it anymore. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she struggled to breathe.

The speed of his thrusts increased again. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moving them together in an attempt to squeeze his cock inside her and hold it there as long as possible. Every movement sent waves of exquisite pleasure through her body, sending her higher and higher.

He reached underneath her grabbing her ass, pulling her tight against his body, and filling her with every move. Suddenly, her breathing became laboured as she sensed her orgasm approaching rapidly. Her body went rigid, and her legs quivered involuntarily, forcing him to slow down his movements.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder, moaning incoherently. She tried desperately to catch her breath. A second later, her entire body started trembling violently. She screamed as a powerful orgasm overtook her body, making her muscles stiff and unable to support her weight.

Her mouth hung open, and she released an agonising groan-like sound followed by muffled cries. She grabbed his arms and began thrashing about. Her body spasmed repeatedly, shooting wave after wave of intense sexual sensation into her brain. It was completely overpowering all her senses.

Mani, too, couldn’t control himself and cum deep inside her pussy. His cum sprayed inside her insides and made her pussy contract tightly around his shaft. Until she couldn’t take it anymore. The release of her orgasm stopped his strokes instantly.

The heat in her pussy created amazing friction against his member. It ****** him to let out another loud groan. He exploded in her womb once more, spraying her insides with the white, sticky fluid of love. They lay there exhausted, lying motionless.

Enjoying the wonderful sensation still lingering in their bodies. A gentle breeze wafted through the open window, cooling their bodies and allowing them to relax and enjoy the peacefulness of the night. The soft sounds of crickets chirping outside added to the ambience, adding life to the night sky.

Mani rolled off her and then watched the clear night sky. He was seeing more stars than usual. “You are the best woman I’ve ever fucked. I’m not sure any woman can match you in future,” he whispered, brushing his hand across her cheek and smiling contentedly.

She smiled and leaned up on her elbow, gazing at the night sky. Mani looked at her pussy and his semen coming out. He was happy he didn’t allow Kavya to give a blowjob. Now, all his load was deposited right inside her. It gave him a sense of triumph.

He had always been careful in terms of using condoms for STDs and unnecessary pregnancy. But with Kavya, he wanted to raw dog her, be skin-to-skin with her. Most importantly, plant his seed in her. It was really silly because Kavya either might be on contraceptives or take one right after this.

But the very fact that his seeds of life were able to reach her womb made it so special. There is nothing shameful about being the second man to conquer Mount Everest. He had to plan perfectly Kavya was finally breathing normally. But the euphoria of orgasm was still washing all her body slowly.

She was just enjoying the feeling of having someone cumming inside her again after a long time. She kept looking at the stars as she felt tiny in the grand scheme of the universe. It was as if Mani had somehow wiped off the memories of her husband, son and society through his dick.

She felt liberated and wanted to stay like this forever without worries and restrictions. When she promised herself to take a break from her husband and son, she didn’t exactly mean this. But she enjoyed every bit of what happened between them.

She hugged Mani and was playing with his chest hair. They were both tired, but they also knew they needed to tiptoe back to their rooms before their friends woke up.

But can’t they enjoy another five minutes of bliss in this magical treehouse before returning to their normal lives?

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